Basic Information


-> Our vision is to provide the opportunity for a first-class private education of international standard to girls and boys.

-> Our goal is to ensure that whatever their ability on entry, all students attain the very best outcomes of which they are capable.
-> Registrations for admissions take place throughout the year. Parents wishing to enroll their children must first meet the Head of the school for registration and an appointment for assessment and interview.
-> Admission to all classes commences as per the date announced and may continue till the 30th of October of the year unless for any special circumstances.
-> The class to which a child is admitted is determined in accordance with the child’s age as on the 31st of July for schools where the Academic Session commences in August and the 28th of February for schools where the academic session commences in March/April.
-> Click here to view a list of our schools with their contact information, links to their Facebook pages and Google maps for their locations.

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